Interactive Mega Bubble Man Shows. One of New York’s leading bubblologists. Mega Bubble Man
Bubble Shows in Bubblopolis



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Angels & Bubbles!

I command my angels all the time for the bubble shows we do.

I send them to take out all the demonic that would interfere with the children, teachers and staff having a great time.

I send them to blow bubbles around to that person they know needs some extra joy.

I send them to guide me in picking certain kiddos to come up into the presentation area during the show.

Andrew and I join forces sending out our warring hosts to wipe out all the rulership of the demons over a school, daycare, party, business, etc

We evict demons out of any restaurant we go to after a show so everyone there can have a good time.

We’ve seen people who were cursing stop in just minutes or moments after praying this way. We tell our angels to send in confusion and destroy all the communications of the enemies.

We command joy to flood the place we are at.

We ask the Holy Spirit to anoint the entire building and people so they are free or become free to enjoy not only the bubbles, but to experience the “newness of the joy of the Lord” in their lives.

We ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to everyone as Andrew and I interact with them, that our light of the Lord penetrates the darkness in them and they feel the unique feelings God has for them…so they last and know that Andrew and I are two very joyful men that are different from all other entertainers they meet. We want them to question what makes us different. As a result people ask us if we are father and son. They see how we work well together and the freedom we have. We tell them we are actually brothers in the Lord. That statement makes them think a bit and wonder. The people that are believers see our joy and recognize God’s light and joy and share their faith with us. We’ve turned up the worship music we’re playing and we’ve praised the Lord together right in the schools!

A principal at a school once asked Deb, how does your husband know to pick all the troubled students to come up for the show? She laughed and shared a brief explanation. She knows the Holy Spirit is so good at that!

Yesterday I was with a lot of kiddos and spent extra one on one time with one little girl showing her how to make bubbles. She didn’t speak to me with her words but with her beautiful eyes and light laughter. Later she followed me to enjoy more of this joyous experience. It made me wonder of our Father’s love for us and how God’s uses me as a father figure to the children.

Many times teachers share with me how children do things with me and Andrew that they’ve never seen before. They say that certain kids are very Leary of men, but not us!

I been called a Pied Piper at times. LOL

When I have the chance, I pray over children who I am teaching for a physical healing or perhaps some type of change in their life so they open up.

Andrew and I ask the angels to have fun and show us some really cool stuff. As a result we’ve seen spiritual activities like Andrew guiding bubbles with his hands without touching bubbles…the bubbles might be several feet away from him, however he can guide them in the air to move here or there. He knows he’s interacting with angels.

One time I asked my angels to show me something really cool. I heard one of them say, “Make a big bubble and ask you do look into the bubble as it’s forming”. I said, “I see the tunnel of colors.” “Yes,” one said, “the colors you see here are a shadow of what it looks like in heaven.” The went on to explain that in heaven the rainbow colors come from our Father Himself and are in the air all around us. We can see the colors flowing through the air we breathe and move around objects. We can even breathe the colors!  I was blown away to say the least!

11 For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.

Ps 91

14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?  Hebrews 1 :14