mega bubble man
mega bubbleman bubble shows
mega bubble man bubblopolis
mega bubble man

May God give you great joy today!

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Jim Livi is the Mega Bubble Man, owner and founder of Mega Bubble Man Productions. His entertainment company also became an educational and ministry productions company. All this started in 1994 in the Utica/Rome NY area.

Mr Livi is expanding his company with another Bubbleman. The company currently performs for Elementary Schools [PreK to 6th grade]; College students; City Events; Private Parties; Public and Private Organizations; Churches; Mosques and much more.

The next new Bubbleman has to be aligned with a Christian Faith because of the ministry aspect of our presentations/productions.

When not a part of a ministry function, the Bubbleman will have lots of training and spontaneous fun for onstage, indoor and outdoor events.

Performance skills includes ad-lib and scripted acting/comedy style stage activities. The Bubbleman will perform with Mr. Livi and sometimes on their own. Stage shows, party shows and misc. shows are the majority of presentations. For schools, we offer "Reading is Bubblicious!" and "Science is Bubblicious!" Along with these educational shows is our premier stage showcase called "Welcome to Bubblopolis!"

In each presentation, the new Bubbleman will learn all scripts, bubble making manipulations, movements, interactions with audience and much more. Mr. Livi expects a vibrant and joyful performance and interaction with him and the audience. After each show, the audience should feel very loved, very joyful, very hungering for more bubbles and interaction. Mr. Livi expects the next Bubbleman to share their ideas for new scripting, bubble manipulations, etc.

Outdoor presentations [and sometimes indoors] is the "Mega Bubble Playground" and "Bubbling Through Bubblopolis!" The Mega Bubble Playground is a totally interactive, safe-play, family-friendly, sensory-sensitive, non-competitive, unlimited creativity environment where the objective is every participant is successful in making their own small and large [bodacious] bubbles! The next Bubbleman will provide training to participants for hand bubbling, hoop wand bubbling and string wand bubbling. De-sudsing is another maintenance aspect of the Mega Bubble Playground. Foam created by everyone must be lifted out of the kiddie pools and removed from the playground.  "Bubbling Through Bubblopolis" is a non-scripted spontaneous short show for outdoor entertainment. It is performed by either just Mr. Livi or both Livi and the Bubbleman assistant.

For ministry presentations, the next Bubbleman will support Mr. Livi during the "Bubbles From Heaven" production. At some point, if Bubbleman is trainable, they will also speak to, pray with and lead children to Jesus Christ through a powerful and profound spiritual presentation. Must be able to coordinate with volunteer supportive people as well that we engage with.

The next Bubbleman will assist Mr. Livi during several performances until they can also speak during the shows. The training objective is the ability to perform on their own and along with Mr. Livi.

The next Bubbleman will be able to spontaneously "bubblize" audience members with our large hoop wand called Big Boy Bartholomew. The interaction is to be super joyful and creative with much laughter and awe experienced!

When a child is unnverved during an interaction, the Bubbleman will discern and act with compassion and super care to diswade all anxiety. A towel might be needed to take bubbles off their face, clothes or out of their eyes. This is gently performed successfully and to the satisfaction of both child and parent present/not-present.

Almost all bubble presentations have the element of storytelling. Mr. Livi and Bubbleman use their respective wands as characters of the wonderful world of Bubblopolis! The Mayor of Bubblopolis is the first introductory character who also introduces all the citizens of Bubblopolis such as Big Brother Bubble, Lil' Sister Bubble, Big Boy Bartholomew Bubble, Butterscotch Bubble, Baker Bob Bubble, Frederick Von Fruggle the Mega Bubble and even more. For outdoor shows we have Avocado, a string wand and Bodacious Bob Bubble, the large string wand that creates the best and biggest bubbles!

Employment Application

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