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May God give you great joy today!

Does God want us to follow His Law?

When one thinks of a law it can be a honest behavior to follow a rule or regulation…of sorts. Man’s laws help us to stay safe and tell us not to hurt others with our words and actions. These laws are mostly good, like stopping at a stop sign or stop light so people can walk at an intersection. A moral law in man’s legislation is Thou Shalt Not Steal. It’s good when people don’t steal, of course. Hard working people lose money and products when disrespectful people just take from them. Moral laws are very good for mankind in that they serve to protect us and keep us civilized.

So how ‘bout God’s laws? What’s interesting, in the Bible it states that God’s ways are higher than man’s ways. Yikes. How then can we understand God’s laws? I think the writer of this verse was talking about God’s plans for the universe and mankind on a whole. It’s too much for us to understand… our small minds can’t grasp everything it took to make things work all across the globe and even throughout the cosmos. However, God does have laws He wants us to follow. In the same way man has laws, God looks to protect men, women, children. We are all precious to Him and wants us happy and safe.

The making of laws, I guess, are truly found in a process of goodness toward the world and even the creation around us. To keep our planet healthy is just as important as keeping us healthy. Treating people kindly and with goodness, politeness and love is supported by laws on the books. Man has a tons of books, while God has just a few laws that are super comprehensive and exhaustive. Man’s law can weight down the heart, while God’s law is to lead us to a better place of freedom and peace of mind.

What is interesting is that God’s Ten Commandments aren’t allowed in man’s world. The

Plaque that is displayed in various places ins’t always welcomed. People complain that they are pushing religion on them and that can’t happen in their mindset. Hah! Funny…God gave the gift of free will so we could naturally follow laws or not follow them. So, for one person to try and obey God’s ways is obtrusive, while the other person gladly follows them.

Also, the one person who doesn’t want the Ten Commandments on the wall also wants people to obey general rules of conduct, for no one to steal from them, to not ruin their marriage by taking their spouse away, by not lying to them, etc. This seems rather hypocritical ? Or maybe just they don’t get life. God means well when He asks us to follow His laws. He’s not telling us something to do or not do to just rule with an iron fist. God doesn’t present Himself as a God who rules for the sake of ruling. Is He is filled with authority? Yes, of course. Is He a protector? Yes, indeed. Did He tells his Jewish people tell kill other people? Yes…and what was the reason for this? The people who were to be killed had decidedly pushed their wicked ways in the earth. Overall, their morality was harming.

God doesn’t like it when we harm one another. God doesn’t just stand offish and watch people from a great distance on His heavenly throne. He’s involved. He’s so involved that even before people were born on this earth He had already decided to ask His Son to fix the problems they were going to face.

Did you know that? God knew He would have to sacrifice some things to make life good for mankind. The gift of a free came with everything person. It was a part of the package we have as thinking, breathing, emotional, intellectual people. We were made to decide for ourselves everything!

You may ask, “Why did He take that chance knowing it could cause issues of all sorts?” the Bible has a verse that say, “He works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” It’s a powerful verse that gives people hope. Our circumstances daily challenge us. There is so much around that pulls us down with a heaviness. God didn’t want it that way, but He was willing to let people to make up their own minds on how they would behave. Even when they would make mistakes, and really big ones, He had a masterful way to shift life around to redeem those mistakes into something perfect! Anyone who has experienced this is truly amazed.

So, back to laws. Yes, laws are for the good of men and women. When a parent is raising their children they set down household rules so their home feels like a safe and happy haven. Kids that don’t have this enjoy going to a friend’s house who does have it. They want to spend more time at the “happy house” then their own. If the house rules are broken their are consequences. These consequences set in motion a recovery plan that returns the peace. The rest of the family knows this and are glad for it. There are good consequences for following the rules…namely a peaceful home and benefits of doing special activities together as a family. God put the whole idea of laws into our hearts. He gave Moses a big stone to write laws down for all the see and hear about.

There is a conundrum from the start of God handing Moses these laws. Moses knew his fellow Israelites were a stubborn people and could potentially defy God. Hmm. Pushing against God’s laws was going to be a problem for those who didn’t agree with them. Sound familiar? They obviously didn’t want others stealing from them or taking their life partner away through adultery. Yes, right from the start, the people committed idolatry and sinned against their leader and God. God was furious with them as a result. They weren’t a people who were happy with their God, besides, He allowed them to be enslaved by the Egyptians for years! He allowed them to go through the Holocaust. God has these laws, but people aren’t following them. Why give them when He “knew” they wouldn’t be able to follow them anyhow? God even said at one point in history He was sorry He created mankind on the earth because their heart is full of wickedness. Oh, the risk God took when He let us be born.


Free will. Yes free will is a tremendous gift. Free will is characteristic of God Himself. Out of His own free will He let Adam and Eve make a decision to change every man and woman to be yet born. I don’t know if they realized this at the time, but their behavior in the Garden of Eden bruised all mankind.


Why didn’t God make people to automatically follow rules? If that would be the case, what would we be called? I think that’s a robot!  Robots don’t know how to love. Robots have been invented to help in industries across the globe. We are expecting to love their jobs or disobey their inventors. They do what is expected according to their circuits and nothing more. Programming is great when it works right. Robots are invented to save time, to make products faster, more efficiently and eventually a greater profit for the company. Robots don’t talk back… they break down though. Inventors have been trying to make a robot that has a personality though. Can we have a maid robot that will not only clean the house, make the meals and also make us feel safe and happy? A robot don’t doesn’t have a soul. The ultimate gift to humanity is their soul! With it we make our own decisions, feel happy and sad, argue with our own opinions and push our sourish agendas on others because we feel it’s the best way…of course!

God creating robots. Hah! Yes He did give the idea of robots, but for the purpose of getting things done in a better way without any complaining. And complaining is unique to a living soul. The robot that pushes back on your thinking can only do that because a human programmed it to do that. The programmer had a purpose in mind to guide people to a way of thinking. Artificial Intelligence is called artificial because of the obvious reason it is not from a soul. Did God give people an artificial soul so they would obey Him without complaining? Nope.

Why not artificial? If you lived artificially you would not know love. No love…no real life!

God says He is love. So to create a living being must have love to live and prosper, be able to experience emotions and make good decisions that produce more loving relationships. God loves His people. Robots don’t love back and God wanted His creation of humankind to love Him, to obey Him freely and willingly. So why make laws, the Ten Commandments, so difficult to follow? He didn’t make them difficult. It is the brute nature of man that causes complaining and disregard for another. It’s a good question that you may be answering already. God’s choice, made from His own free will, was to let us have the same ability. The all-knowing God was prepared for the troubles coming.

The principle of a seed and harvest or sowing and reaping is universal. Garbage in,,, you know what comes out. Having a choice of pushing garbage or goodness brings an actual joy to God. What? Yes.

The extensive election of voting for what you want as opposed to what God wants is okay in His Kingdom. At the same time He has rules to follow that will keep everything working well. People have their own personalities, given by God, for Him, for you, for others to enjoy and those personalities will create so many versatile wonderful circumstances, environments, rules and behaviors.

Give God a choice and He will choose what is best. Yes, of course. What is best. Therefore, what is best? Another subject that can be simply described as His character, HIs morality, His love, HIM. He demonstrated His love in that while we were sinning He decided to send His only Son to take the punishment of our our mistakes. All the sinning that was going to happen, happens now and happens in the future until sinning stops.

Misdemeanors on this earth have rippling repercussion. Some big, some small, yet all to the badness and evilness of sin. Who started this sinning? Another good thought? A thesaurus gives sin another name: transgression, crime, offense, misdeed or a trespass. Who trespassed first? How did it come to be in the first place? How could a good God even allow such a thought/deed? Remember free will? For free will to be free there has to be a choice of following goodness or not. Consequently sin can be a choice to choose. The first offense actually took place in heaven of all places. God created a worship leader to lead the worship of God Himself. [Don’t think that’s arrogant. God deserves it]

A first sinner was not a person, but an angel called Lucifer. His name was later changed to Satan because of his sin. Beelezub is another name. Prince of darkness The Evil one. He was the first villain. While doing his job of exalting God pride rose up in him and that pride gave him the idea that he was better than God. Sound familiar? Pride is one of the main culprits that is comfortable in man’s mind. Satan and man. God knew Lucifer was promoting his idea of taking over heaven and eventually cast him out of heaven. Heaven could have not have sin residing there. Prince of darkness…he is called on the earth in the spiritual realm. No darkness could “shine” in heaven. Even Lucifer had free will to obey God. Once cast out of heaven to reside on earth…originally created for humans to live and cultivate… Lucifer was now called Satan and he took a lot of angels from heaven with him. the Bible actually says of third of all the angels came. They all pronounced their allegiance to him, thinking they were in for a big prize of ruling heaven too. It all backfired. They are now called demons in the Bible.

Earlier I mentioned that sinning could stop. God was aware of the potential of sin in any of His creations. The only beings who were not created are God Himself, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit. Note…”holy.” They had no desire to sin, but allowed the chances and probability of it occurring in any creation with a free will. So did God create evil, sin, badness? No, Lucifer “created” sin since he was the first sinner.

Back to laws. Laws are our safeguard. They watch over us and don’t attack. Laws assist us in creating a good environment. Satan never planned for a good kingdom. His kingdom idea was all about him and ruling guided by pride. A world rules by arrogance and self gratification also ends messy. Laws handle the messiness and work towards termination of it plain and simple.

Honest behavior is respected and coveted [in a good way] by all people at some point in their life. God looked for good behavior and allowed for bad behavior due to the free will element. Going back to this risk, God had His plan engaged before time began. Time, as in, time experienced by you and I. Before time, God lived outside of it [outside of timeness]. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit prepared for every possibility that  the human race could experience, good and bad. The era of mankind was to be the Big Risk that I think it is. But God, But God was ready. The Bible says that an era was coming for His offspring to live in. Yes, we lived inside God before we abided on the earth. Who knew? LOL.

The first laws of God were to guide His people, the second “law” was to be written on the people’s hearts. The first law deliberately exposed the sin, the second law gave the answer to the sin. The first law paraded the disobedience of the heart, the second law gave obedience a possibility and the likelihood that people would happily obey their Heavenly Father. The law wasn’t so much a relatable thing. It was words on a stone. The second law came in the form of a person who COULD be related to you. The person is God’s only Son Jesus!

The Bible says there are two covenants with people. The first was through God’s choice to lead people into prosperity and a land of milk and honey’; a people that would populate the earth and be blessed. The first people to hear about this was through Abraham’s lineage. They were later called Israelites. The God of Abraham, Jacob and Israel were God’s chosen people. The first law was administered through Moses, the man leading them out of bondage, the bondage of Egypt’s slavery. The first covenant… one the one that god breached over and over. God’s arrangement was for them to follow God and experience the blessings. The second law created the New covenant, so the first covenant became the old covenant or what we call the OT, the Old Testament. The new covenant because the NT, the new testament written by Jewish people who found their salvation from the old law into the new salvation of freedom from sinning and sin’s punishment. The New Testament tells humankind that this new law to be followed was not just a tablet and [additional manmade laws that Rabbis, the Sanhedrin made up on their own], but was now a PERSON. People called Him the Messiah. Either a liberal or a conservative individual could follow this Messiah. A Jew or a Gentile could receive a new free will that would overcome sin!

Overcoming sin is a big deal for society, for sin creates the evil in this world. People say life is getting worse and worse, “Is the end coming?” Indeed, sin is all about making it worse. Remember the pride of Satan? Pride orinigates scandal, crime, finger pointing, raw politics, immeshing argumentative soulishness, negativity… Sound familiar? So, the point is to overcome Satan. Of course, Satan doesn’t want that. He decided since he was cast of heaven, he had to conquer another world, the world of mankind. God planned for high intelligence, wonderful emotions and joy, powerful authority all to be mastered by man. God wanted a relationship with man and woman. Clemency eventually was needed. God’s mercy was involved from the start of time. The moment our race began, was tempted and fell from God’s planned relationship Jesus was ready to wipe out Satan’s plan to overcome God’s goodness with his ultimate destruction of us.

The new covenant God made good on and spoken by His prophets in the Old Testament was in the person of Jesus the Christ. The Christ is the anointed one for the purpose of taking out Satan. Satan abused all the principles and laws created and caused havoc on the earth. Sin became rampant…free will. Pride stirred Nimrod to built a tower to reach the heavens and rule. Man had power to do anything they planned to and God was upset they tried this. The consequence was the changing of the one language into several. The people’s purpose to rule in pride and arrogance and control was foreboding. God would not allow His promise for the world’s success to be ruined. This is just one example of Satan’s craziness through man.

In time, God sent Jesus to be the promised Messiah of Israel and gentiles abroad. He came about 2,000 years ago. The “heart-law” created through Him is a masterpiece! Instead of pure fleshly determination to follow God’s plan, now we have an inner desire to with all the capabilities to do so. Volunteering to walk with God is truly a joyous daily happening. Overcoming sin means less impatience, less arrogance, less gossip, less backbiting, more civilized behavior, more praises, less politics, more freedoms and on and on! Even our outlook on life in general changes from pessimism to optimism and hope. Ever met a cheerful person? They are a delight to be with.

A godly sanguine personality in bad or difficult situations has optimistic perspectives on what is about to occur because of prayer and communication with God. Evil is on its way out. God rules!

Does God Want Us to Follow Law?

Note: It is by the shedding of blood, Jesus Christ’s blood that Satan and sin has been conquered. Hebrews 9:22

Now God’s nature can live in us!

Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to accomplish its purpose. (Matthew 5:17-19)

Further reading Jeremiah 31:31; Luke 16:16; Acts 28: 23-29; John 1:45

Did you know there are courts of heaven to deliver justice?